Thursday, April 16, 2009

Short Story #3

The movement consumes me. With another twirl of her auburn hair, the scents of apple and pomegranate fill my senses. I will never forget this smell, her smell. I lead, and she follows; this is the moment I have been waiting for. I do not notice anyone else in this instant, my attention is focused on just one thing; us. Living in this minute is all that is current in my mind. I wish this melody could last forever; eternally intertwining our figures to the rhythm of the piano.
She is like a drug to me; no matter how many moments we share I am always left wanting more. She does not normally notice me as I notice her. She looks at me and my heart automatically skips a beat. I feel my face flush as if she can hear my thoughts. There is a moment when I make myself believe that she feels the same. Her gaze into mine, I think of what could be, what should be. She looks away again. The trees are moving around us. This will be the last time; the last time I allow myself to be revolved around her. She eats away at me as termites do a log. The reality begins to enter gradually into my mind. The music is beginning to fade. I see him, and the way she looks at him. She looks at him the way I look at her. She looks at me with her anxious eyes; eager to dance with someone other than me. I feel the lump in my throat beginning to form. This will be the last time I allow her to control me this way. We embrace and then we part. I walk away for the final time. I walk away into the world that has been distant from me for a while. I pass the people as they stare. The cool breeze grabs my straw hat and throws it behind me. She gave me that hat and there is no need for it now.
“Excuse me… you dropped this!” I hear a soft voice yell behind me. I turn; a young woman with blonde angelic hair and porcelain face stands by me, holding my hat. Suddenly my pain flushes out of my mind and a new melody begins to play.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Community Involvement

For my community involvement I am going to have friends and family draw self-portraits of themselves. It doesnt have to be actually of themselves but anything that makes them who they are or how they perceive themselves. I will also have them fill out a questionaire about how they perceive themselves and how they believe otheres perceive them.