Monday, May 11, 2009

Short Story #2

Standing here, waiting for the news, my heart is pounding. The earsplitting sound fills my head. A sharp pain shoots through me; I tense. A thousand questions rush through my mind. Where did it go wrong? How did we get to this point? When did it turn for the worst? A woman goes by on a stretcher… was she the other driver? The last thing I remember was two headlights staring me right in the face, heading in our direction; my thirteen year old daughter screaming. I tried to swerve… then, I was submerged into the unknown; everything went black.
Another shot of pain travels through me, this time its worse. I did this. This is my fault. I chose to pick up the six-pack that I downed on the way to pick up Erica. I haven’t been able to stop, ever since the split. She doesn’t deserve this. They rushed her into the OR without a word to me, she was unconscious. My heart is racing. The physical pain I feel doesn’t compare to the everyday pain.
‘Thomas?” I hear my ex wife’s voice. “What happened? Is Erica okay? The hospital said that there was a drunk driver?” What do I say? I haven’t seen Laura in weeks. I just look at her. Tears start to roll over her cheeks. She knows; she has always known. My eardrum pounds, and then comes my heart... thump, thump, thump. I feel hot; something in my stomach is aching. The doctor is walking towards us. He takes off his cap, and looks down. This is not good.
“She is a very lucky girl. She lost seven liters of blood; we had to do a complete blood transfusion. She had internal injuries to her stomach and liver. We had to do a surgical operation to repair the ruptures. She will need to be sedated for a couple days so that she does not feel the pain, but your daughter should be just fine, she is a fighter…” he trails off. I hear nothing. I see black and white. I am on the ground. I open my eyes; four strange faces. I close my eyes, nothingness consumes me. I am plunged into the unfamiliar. I hear nothing, I feel nothing. A bright white light guides me. I can’t hurt anymore.

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